Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014

Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014

Thessaloniki as a holidays destination is an amazing place to be! A city with a history of more than 2300 years that offers to a visitor everything that can be possible requested. Historic attractions, museums, galleries, amazing neighborhoods, superb food, fantastic scenery, friendly people, never ending nightlife and many more. It is a city that remains in the heart and memories of every person that has visited it.

Many famous websites have written reviews about it and the city has also received many awards:

European Youth Capital Organization: Thessaloniki has was the Youth Capital of Europe in 2014.
Thessaloniki (Greece) were listed as best-practice examples for the promotion of youth’s involvement in public life, benefiting youth and the community as a whole. Participants saw a specific added value in the massive involvement of civil society in setting priorities, designing actions, establishing partnerships, mobilizing massively its power base and raising a uniform and coordinated voice in the coordination with authorities.
Source: European Youth Capital Organization
Thessaloniki Europe’s Youth Capital Website

National Geographic: Thessaloniki has been rated in the Top 10 Nightlife Cities of the World.
Remember those playful old Grecian mosaics? The spirit’s alive and well in the Syngrou/Valaoritou and Ladadika districts, not to mention all those beaches. Thessaloniki has more cafés per capita than any other European city.
Source: National Geographic

New Yorks Times: The Arts Bloom in Greece’s Second City (2011).
The best way to get the feel of this mission-driven city is on foot, walking from the ruins of Ano Poli to Aristotelous Square on the waterfront. Then cozy up to a café to nibble grilled calamari washed down with dry Macedonian wine.
Source: Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet: Top 10 Ultimate Party Cities in the World (2010).
Greece’s second city has style, with plenty of fashionable shops and salons and a 1-million-strong population fleshed out by a big university (80,000-plus students). Thessaloniki boasts great nightlife during those long months when more famous Greek destinations are deep in hibernation, from arty cafes to Latin bars; from discos pumping out house music to salacious bouzoukia (clubs featuring twangy, Eastern-flavoured Greek folk-pop). That’s plenty to keep you occupied after you’ve traversed the city’s sublime Byzantine churches, museums and scattered ruins. It’s not cheap, but no Greek city save Athens compares.
Source: Lonely Planet

University Network of the European Capital of Culture: Thessaloniki in 1997 was the European Capital of Culture.
Though it has only about one million people, compared with Athens’s five million, Salonika is widely considered the cultural capital of Greece.
Source: UNEECC