80th Thessaloniki International Fair Logo

80th Thessaloniki International Fair Logo

Thessaloniki is a tourist attraction that one can combine however, if he/she wishes so, also with entrepreneurship. One of the most important and recognized exhibitions in Greece and one of the largest in the Balkans opens tomorrow its doors for 80th consecutive year in Thessaloniki.

The 80th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) starts tomorrow, 5th September and will remain open to the public until the 13th of September 2015. This exhibition attracts international interest and has always been the first point of presentation for new Greek products. Last year the number of visitors reached 255000 and this is a proof of the timelessness and its acceptance by the public.

This year the visitor of the International Fair of will have the opportunity to see products and innovative ideas related to the following categories:

«Entrepreneurship & innovation»
«Technology, Hi- tech, e-gaming»
«Structures of employment – education – labour market»
«Book Festival»
«Greece & Enterpreneurship»
«Energy &construction»
«Auto – Motion, car & gas»
«Farming sector»
«Furniture- decoration»
«International Participation»

Apart from the business related topics, the organizers of the fair each year enrich the program with several other interesting sights and activities. This year’s parallel program is packed every evening with musical performances of well-known Greek artists and bands (Greek and foreign music), theater performances for children and adults, party leaders who traditional make political speeches during this Fair and presentations on entrepreneurship and other interesting topics.

The International Exhibition of Thessaloniki is a celebration for the city of Thessaloniki and if by luck or after having it planned you visit Thessaloniki at the 2nd week of September you will experience the city full of people and movement.

Additional info about: Helexpo Trade Center
The Parallel Program of the: 80th Thessaloniki International Fair (2015).