Shopping Therapy

Navarinou Thessaloniki

Navarinou Thessaloniki Navarinou, is always full of life. It is located bellow Galerious Arch and Rotunda and reaches almost until the coast. In this area (see point 11 on the below map) the traveler can view one of Thessaloniki's oldest historic treasures dated back to the Roman times, debris from the Galarius Palace. [...]

Iktinou & Pavlou Mela

Iktinou Street Thessaloniki The building block surrounded by Inktinou and Pavlou Mela streets is very popular for its modern coffee places, bars and restaurants (see point 10 in the map below). It is busy most of the hours of the day and the night as its bars stay open until late. Pavlou Mela [...]

Commerce Square

Emporiou Square Thessaloniki Today's Commerce Square used to be the conjunction of one of the oldest streets of Thessaloniki which connected the Gate of Gialos, which mean the Gate by the seashore with the Gateof Defterdar Hane which was located next to the White Tower. The road was only a few dozen meters [...]

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